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June 30 2017News

A Winter Warmer

Spiced Roast Vegetables with a zesty lemon tahini dressing!

Whether you are looking for an amazing dinner or a healthy and delicious packed lunch, this is for you. These vegetables work perfectly warm straight out of the oven, and equally as amazing batched up for an entire week of lunch. We suggest both- make a huge batch of both the dressing, and the veggies, and voila you have an entire week worth of lunch ready to go, and some to nibble on straight away. To make the batch extend even longer add some spinach leaves or rocket into the mix for some extra variety. And for something even more extra, add some warm falafel, and a generous serve of some Danish feta or goat’s cheese. Both work perfectly with the spices.

So hustle up the shopping baskets, and get ready for the perfect weekend meal.

Tahini Dressing,

– 2 Teaspoons of Hulled Tahini
– 4 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
– Juice of Half a Lemon
– Pinch of salt

Mix altogether until smooth.

Roast Vegetables

– 1 Cup of chopped Jap Pumpkin
– 1 medium sweet potato, chopped
– 2 medium beetroots, chopped
– 1 head of broccoli, chopped (florets and stalk)
– Tspoon of turmeric
– Tspoon of Sumac
– 2 tspoon of paprika
– Quarter cup of almonds, finely chopped
– Quarter cup of currants
– Small Handful of pepitas
– Olive Oil
– Pinch of Salt and pepper

1. Wash and chop all vegetables, (except the broccoli) leaving the skin on; than place the beetroot, pumpkin and sweet potato on an oven proof tray.
2. Give a generous drizzle of olive oil across the entire tray, and sprinkle the turmeric, sumac, paprika, salt and pepper evenly across.
3. Place the tray in a moderate oven. The vegetables should take 20-30 minutes, or until cooked and a dark golden colour.
4. Take the broccoli florets and stalks, and coat with a generous drizzle of olive oil and a teaspoon of sumac. Toss gently and slowly cook the broccoli on a low-medium heat in a non-stick saucepan on your stove top. Cook until the broccoli becomes slightly charred. I like my broccoli still firm and crunchy, but if you prefer otherwise add a few tablespoons of water and pop a lid on the saucepan and steam the broccoli until soft.
5. Once all the vegetables are cooked; allow to cool slightly, than portion onto a plate, or airtight containers. If prepacking lunches, allow the vegetables to cool completely before closing the lid and refrigerating.
6. Sprinkle over almonds, currants and pepitas generously, and finish with a generous serve of tahini dressing, and another squeeze of lemon juice.

And Voila, lunch and dinner is served!

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