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January 28 2017News

What is your Salad Leaf doing for you?

It’s not only the ingredients you put in your salad that you should be considering, but also your choice of salad leaf, in which can provide a variety of different health and nutrition benefits.

Put simply, the basic guideline for getting the most out of your salad, is the darker the leaf and more bitter in taste the better for you. The lighter the leaf means less nutritional value.

Not a fan of darker leaves like spinach or roquette? and much prefer a cos or iceberg lettuce?Not to worry, all hope is not lost. To make sure you are consuming as much of the good stuff as possible and capitalising on all the nutritional benefits of your food, consider the ingredients you are putting into your salad. Opt for fresh ingredients, and combine with a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to increase the nutritional density and diversity of your meal.

We get a lot of customers in store who choose a cos lettuce base so that the leaf doesn’t over power the taste of the salad. While spinach and roquette do provide a more intense flavour, balancing them with the right ingredients and level of dressing is the key to creating a delicious salad.

Try combining the cos lettuce with little bits of darker leaf, such as our mixed, spinach or roquette options.Our staff are more than happy to combine your choice of salad leaves so you can create the best balance for your wellness and most importantly your taste buds. Combining leaves not only gives you a wider range of nutritional benefits but can also be a easy way to transition to another leaf without going cold turkey. Even at home, simply and slowly add larger amounts of darker leaves and before you know it the thought of mixed leaves, spinach or roquette won’t seem so daunting.

Check out the this article published on Huffington Post to read up on the full benefits of your leaf choice and get some fantastic new salad recipes to try at home.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/01/08/heres-what-the-lettuce-in-your-salad-actually-does-for-your-bod/?ncid=edlinkauhpmg00000003Instagram Posts12

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