January 06 2017News
New Year, New me?
Are you a ‘new-year-go-getter’ or more of a ‘anti-resolutioner’?
As the new year begins it becomes a time where most often you reflect on all the events of the year past and start contemplating those future plans and goals. But do setting New Year resolutions actually work for the average person? Most often than not you set your resolution in a giddy-overly optimistic state which is New Years Eve rather than really contemplating and weighing up the facts.
Which is probably why for most of us after a week the resolution fizzles into a blurry memory.
So whether you are for or against the ‘new-year-new-me’ resolution here are some tips for setting realistic goals that you can actually stick to.
Whatever your resolution or goals may be, make sure they are S.M.A.R.T.
Firstly you want it to be SPECIFIC; set a goal that is clear and specific don’t make your resolution broad and vague but really narrow down what you want to achieve.
Next, make is MEASUREABLE, put a quantity to it, a time limit and make sure you know where the target is and how to recognise when you’ve reached it. Often setting more short term goals can create momentum and motivation to keep kicking those goals, rather then setting one year-long goal that seems out of reach and far away.
ACHIEVABILITY, is very important to consider. You need to be aware of what you can achieve, of what your limits are; whether that be family, time, work or even monetary constraints. Don’t set yourself up for failure.
REALISTIC goals are so important so really consider your goals and your current lifestyle and financial situation before jumping head first into something without considering the facts. This does not mean to be complacent or set easy goals, there’s no fun in achieving goals that don’t push your comfort zones and bring you new experiences, skills or opportunities.
TIME, is last but not least. Be realistic about the time period set and also don’t be too harsh on yourself if it takes a bit longer to achieve. After all life is here to be lived and sometimes it gets crazy. Just take a deep breath, re-evaluate your goals and set yourself a new timeline. Just make sure you don’t loose sight of the end result.
Regardless of whether you are an avid goal-setting-tyrant, the optimistic-go-getter or the anti-resolutioner why not make 2017 the year of YOU. Put your health and wellbeing first, and bring ‘you’ into the spotlight. Focus on achieving that balance this year; and bring together an inner and outer peace, in all aspects of your mental, physical and social wellbeing. And don’t worry your Crisp family will be here cheering you on.
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